Calvia, Spain
October, 2004
MonRoi, a company based in Montreal ( Canada ) presented its MonRoi product line at the Chess Olympiad in Calvia. MonRoi enables chess players to electronically record and store their games in MonRoi Electronic Chess Assistant, fully secure hand-held wireless devices, thus allowing Internet users to follow chess tournaments in real-time. Electronic Chess Assistants effectively replace typical paper and pen scoresheets.
Chess Olympiad participants, arbiters, organizers, and spectators from more than 130 countries evaluated the system at the MonRoi booth located near the men’s playing hall entrance, everyday from 3 pm to 7 pm.
The MonRoi System set-up takes a few minutes, and no cables or power plugs are required in the chess tournament area. With its new MonRoi Chess Tournament Manager design, one computer can monitor thousands of chess games simultaneously. Games are broadcast on the Internet and archived in the World Databank of Chess.
MonRoi Technology – Leading the Way
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Two-way wireless communications between numerous energy-efficient devices and central data collection location with 2000 units reporting to a single base station, covering a range of up to 1 kilometer without repeaters in an open space is the first system of its kind commercially available on the market.
MonRoi has designed a microcontroller unit from Sharp Microelectronics of the Americas into its handheld Electronic Chess Assistant product. Sharp’s BlueStreakTM MCU was selected for its superior level of design. In addition to its ARM7TDMI core, the MCU features on-chip LCD controllers, 32KB of on-chip SRAM, and other peripherals and drivers essential to handheld devices.
MonRoi has designed a Radio Frequency protocol and low-power memory with Cypress into its Electronic Chess Assistant and Central Tournament Manager devices. Cypress was selected for its reduced power consumption and exceptional development support, which enables MonRoi to deliver its wireless PDA products faster.
About Sharp Microelectronics
Sharp Microelectronics of the Americas, Camas, Washington, USA is a division of Sharp Electronics Corporation, which is a subsidiary of Sharp Corporation, Osaka, Japan. By offering world-class LCD panels, Flash memory, optoelectronics, and CMOS and CCD imaging devices, Sharp Microelectronics provides cost-effective and proven solutions to customers. Sharp Electronic Components product group exceeded 800,000 millions of Yen in sales in its fiscal year ending March 31, 2004. For more information, visit
About Cypress
Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (NYSE: CY), San Jose, California, USA makes industry leading physical layer devices, framers and network search engines, along with a broad portfolio of high-bandwidth memories, timing technology solutions, and reconfigurable mixed signal arrays. Cypress Year 2003 revenues exceeded US $ 800 million. For more information, visit
MonRoi Certification at the 75th FIDE Congress
Calvia, Spain
October 25, 2004
Technical Commission meeting, October 25 2004- Mr. Christian Krause (Germany), Mr. Mikko Markkula (Finland), Mr. Panagiotis Nikolopoulos (Greece), Dr. Dirk J.A. De Ridder (Belgium), Ms. Brana Giancristofaro (Canada), Mr. Werner Stubenvoll (Austria), Mr. Geurt Gijssen (Netherlands), Mr. Igor Vereshchagin (Russia), Mr. Almog Burstain (Israel), Mr. Stewart Reuben (United Kingdom)
FIDE Technical Commission granted on the 25th of October provisional certification for InnDe’s MonRoi system at the 75th FIDE Congress held in Calvia, Spain . “A tournament will be conducted in Canada with at least 3 Grand Masters using MonRoi system in order to complete a year long assessment process”, said Mr. Werner Stubenvoll. FIDE's Technical Commission congratulated MonRoi on its success in bringing to the chess world a new wireless technology, which replaces paper scoresheets with an electronic all-automated chess tournament management system.
About FIDE
FIDE supports close international cooperation of chess devotees encouraging harmony among all people. Founded inParis on 20 July 1924, the World Chess Federation (Federation Internationale des Echecs) is recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) as an International Sport Federation. FIDE has a membership of more than 140 countries, making it one of the most dynamic sport organizations in the world. For more information, visit